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Home > Activities > Committees > Population and Poverty > Call for Junior Demographer
The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Population and Poverty invite applications from junior demographers to attend the seminar on Poverty, Programs and Demographic Outcomes organized by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Population and Poverty. The seminar will be held in Mexico City on 21-22 November 2003.
The Junior Demographer Travel Grant provides an opportunity for a young demographer to meet world renowned specialists in the field. The grant covers roundtrip transport to the meeting as well as accommodation during the meeting. In return the junior demographer may be asked by the seminar organizers to write up a summary of the meeting or help with other organizational tasks during the meeting.
Candidates should submit a letter explaining why they are interested in attending the Seminar, what they expect to gain from it, and how they could contribute to it. The candidate's letter, curriculum vitae, and letters of recommendation from two sponsors should be sent to the seminar organizers listed below.
Candidates interested in attending the seminar on "Poverty, Programs and Demographic Outcomes" to be held in Mexico City on 21-22 November 2003 should address their questions and send application material to John Strauss (jstrauss@msu.edu) or by fax (1) 517 432 1068. The application deadline for this seminar is September 15, 2003.