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Seminar on Women in the Labour Market in Changing Economies : Demographic Issues

Rome, Italy, 22-24 September 1999
Organised by the IUSSP Committee on Gender and Population in collaboration with ISTAT (Istituto Nazionale di Statistica) and the university of Rome "La Sapienza".

Provisional Programme

Session 1: Overview

Cross-national overview of women's labour force participation since 1970

Session 2: Rapid Economic and Political Change, Women's Employment and Demographic Issues

Gender, labour market and demographic change: a case study of women's entry into formal manufacturing sector of Bangladesh

The effect of the end of apartheid on women's work, migration, and household composition in KwaZulu-Natal

A post-war economy: women entering the urban labour market in Eritrea

Economy in crisis: Labour market outcomes and human capital investments in Indonesia

L'impact du travail de la femme sur la structure en milieu urbain d'Afrique centrale

The social situation of single parent households: the changing role of labour market participation for mothers in East and West Germany

Fertility decline in Russia: economic versus psychosocial

Session 3: Migration and Women's Employment

Gender and labour market among immigrants in some Italian areas: the case of Moroccans, former Yugoslavians and the Polish.

Migration and occupation change during periods of economic transition: women and men in Vietnam and Ethiopia compared

Double jeopardy? Female rural migrant labourers in urban China - the case of Shanghai

Market transition, gender and migration in China- 1992-1995

Session 4: PUBLIC Policy

PUBLIC Policies and Part-Time Employment: A Cross-National Multilevel Analysis of Women's Employment Choices

The impact of anti-poverty programmes on female labour market participation: the case of Progresa in Mexico

The gendering effects of parental leave policies

uS Paper

Session 5: union Formation and Dissolution

Economic opportunities and marriage rates: an analysis of women's status

The impact of divorce on professional life in changing society

Women's employment: a determinant factor or a consequence of union dissolution in Spain?

Occupational sex segregation in Brazil; marital status and market work flexibility

Session 6: Fertility, Employment and Life Course

The influence of female employment and autonomy on demographic behaviour in Egypt

Changes in female labour force participation in Mexico: assessing the role of labour supply, labour demand and the new international division of labour - Explanations

Female labour force participation, employment and fertility in the middle east: the case of Palestinians in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Jordan

A dynamic study of the work-fertility relationship in Italy

Gender equality in the labour market - still a distant goal?

Education, career opportunities and the changing patterns of fertility: a study on 20th century Sweden

Walking the tightrope: women's employment strategies following childbirth

Labour force patterns, gender relations and labour markets in Mexico City and Buenos Aires