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IUSSP Committee on Anthropological Demography

Outline of the Committee's Programme

The new Committee on Anthropological Demography met in Liège on 10-12 January 1998 to plan its programme of activities for its period of appointment. The Committee agreed to sponsor the following workshops and seminars.

Social Categories in Population Studies : their Production, Circulation and Reformulation

How are social categories used in population studies produced? What is the historical, political and social context and content of these categories? How do they enter into demographic analysis and into the strategies of the people to whom they refer? How and why do the categories change over time? The seminar will attempt to answer these questions by combining the perspectives of demography, anthropology, history and other disciplines with a critical interest in population. It will focus on the following topics: Family/household; Class/community and/or ethnicity; Nations/states and cultural regions. Social Interaction in the Production and Circulation of Knowledge

How do flows of capital (e.g. funds and technologies) interact with flows of knowledge? This seminar will examine the production, reproduction and circulation of knowledge as this interacts with the design, implementation and evaluation of population based programmes. These include evangelical missions, as well as family planning and PUBLIC health programmes (with special reference to AIDS). This problem will be approached through papers that investigate relations within and between organizations and social groups at varying scales: global, national, regional and local. Macro and Micro Social Influences in Health : Changing Patterns of Morbidity and Mortality

In less developed as well as in developed countries, structures and patterns of morbidity and mortality are increasingly changing from a regime dominated by infectious diseases to one dominated by non-infectious conditions. Numerous influences are known to be important, among them dietary changes, PUBLIC health interventions, and rising standards of living. The seminar will bring together anthropologists and demographers to address the many ways in which macro- and micro-social changes may influence, and are influencing, changes in health status, morbidity, mortality, and the use of lay and allopathic healers in developed and developing countries. Time in Population Processes

The Committee agreed on time as an important and under-theorized dimension of population and other social studies. While planning to introduce and problematize concepts of time in all its activities, members considered planning a session to theorize time as a social dimension in population studies. Members agreed to further elaborate this design in their coming meetings and communications. This session is proposed for the IUSSP General Conference in 2001 in Brazil. Other sessions may also be proposed for the IUSSP Conference.