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Committee on Anthropological Demography

Anthony Carter (USA)

Arunachalam Dharmalingam (India)
William Hanks (USA)
Barthélémy Kuate Defo (Cameroon)
Stephen Kunitz (USA)
Hania Sholkamy (Egypt)
Simon Szreter (United Kingdom)
Susan Watkins (USA)

Council Liaison
Alaka Basu

IUSSP Secretariat Contact Person
Mary Ellen Zuppan

Terms of Reference

This Committee seeks to foster interdisciplinary work in demography and anthropology. The core research methodologies of the two disciplines - quantitative, on the one hand, and ethnographic, on the other - are sharply contrasting but have the capacity to be mutually informing. Population processes and socio-cultural practices affect each other at both large and small levels of organization. The enormous changes and complex patterns of variation found by demographers challenge anthropologists to pay close attention to practices involved in vital events and to specify the relations between these local practices and those operating at national and global levels. The diverse realms of meaning and practice described by anthropologists challenge demographers to heed the cultural contexts of population processes.

Programme of activities


Seminar on Macro-Meso-Micro Influences on Health: Changing Patterns of Morbidity and Mortality
Cameroon, June 5-8 2002
Call for Papers - Programme - Report - Participants

Seminar on Social Interaction in the Production and Circulation of Knowledge
Providence, USA, March 2001
Call for Papers - Report - Participants

Seminar on Social Categories in Population Studies
Cairo, Egypt, September 1999
Programme - Report - Papers


“From the Policies to the Clinics: The Reproductive Health Paradox in Post-Adjustment Health Care”, Lisa Ann Richey, World Development 32(6):923-940, 2004.

Categories and Contexts: Anthropological and Historical Studies in Critical Demography, Simon Szreter, Hania Sholkamy and A.Dharmalingam, OUP, 2004

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