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Committee on Emerging Health Threats (2000-2004)

Vladimir M. Shkolnikov (Russia)

Mari Bhat (India)
Michel Cara�l (Switzerland)
France Mesl� (France)
Ian Timaeus (UK)
Tapani Valkonen (Finland)
Eliwo Akoto Manjale (Cameroon)

Council Liaison
Jacques Vallin

Contact auprès du Secrétariat de l'UIESP
Mary Ellen Zuppan

Terms of Reference

The notion of continuous progress in reducing premature death and improving the health status of people reached its maximum power in the late 1960s. The overall decrease in mortality seemed to be an indispensable consequence of economic development and all the nations and population groups were expected to follow (with time lags) the populations of Western Europe and North America. However, further studies of the 1980s and the 1990s have shown that many populations of the world are facing growing health problems and challenges resulting in significant deviation from a classical "normal" path of the health transition. Studies devoted to more important issues related to these problems and challenges can be considered as topics in the agenda of the EHT Committee.

Programme of activities


Session: Demographic and socio-economic consequences of adverse mortality and health trends
IUSSP General Population Conference, Tours, July 2005

HIV, the Resurgent Infections, and Population Change in Africa
Ouagadougou, 12-14 February 2004
Call for Papers - Programme - Papers - Awards and Grants - Seminar Short Report - Seminar Long Report

Determinants of Diverging Trends in Mortality
Rostock, 19-21 June 2002
Call for Papers - Programme - Papers
Seminar Report

Session 7: Emerging Health Threats
IUSSP Regional Conference, Bangkok 10-13 June 2002

Session 18: Emerging Health Threats (A)
IUSSP General Population Conference, Salvador 18-24 August 2001

Session 74: Emerging Health Threats (B)
IUSSP General Population Conference, Salvador 18-24 August 2001

Organisational Meeting Of The IUSSP Committee On Emerging Health Threats (CEHT)
Rostock, 10-11 November 2000


HIV, resurgent infections and population change in Africa, International Studies in Population, Vol. 6 , Michel Caraël and Judith R Glynn, eds., Springer, 2007.

Demographic Research, Special Collection 2: Determinants of Diverging Trends in Mortality, Published online:16 April 2004.

Mortality trends and setbacks: global convergence or divergence?”, Anthony J. McMichael, Martin McKee, Vladimir Shkolnikov, Tapani Valkonen” The Lancet (April 3, 2004), Vol 363:1155-1159, 2004.

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