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Seminar on New Forms of urbanization: Conceptualising and Measuring Human Settlement in the 21st Century

Rockefeller's Study and Conference Center, Bellagio, Italy, March 11-15, 2002
Organised by the IUSSP Working Group on urbanization

List of Participants

Invited Discussants

Batty, Michael
Professor of Spatial Analysis and Planning and Director of the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, university College London, uK.

Bhagat, Ram Babu
Reader/Associate Professor of Geography, Maharshi Dayanand university. Department of Geography, Maharshi Dayanand university, India. (From 4.3.02, PhD Visiting Faculty unit of urban Studies, Tara Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai).

McGee, Terence
Professor, Institute of Asian Research and Department of Geography, university of British Columbia. Institute of Asian Research, university of British Columbia, Canada.

MacKellar, Landis
Director, International union for the Scientific Study of Population, Paris, France.

Rain, David R.
Special Assistant, Geographic Studies and Information Resources, International Programs Center, uS Census Bureau, Washington, DC, USA.


Bilsborrow, Richard
Research Professor, Carolina Population Center, Department of Biostatistics, university of North Carolina, USA.

Bourne, Larry S.
Professor of Geography & Planning, Dept of Geography and Program in Planning, university of Toronto, Canada.

Brown, David L.
Professor of Rural Sociology, Cornell university, USA.

Champion, Tony
Professor of Population Geography, university of Newcastle upon Tyne, England.

Coombes, Mike
Professor of Geographic Information, Centre for urban & Regional Development Studies, university of Newcastle upon Tyne, England.

Cromartie, John B.
Geographer, Economic Research Service, uS Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, USA.

Cunha, Jose M.P. da
Associate Director, Population Studies Centre, State university of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Dupont, Véronique
Research Officer in Demography, French Institute of Research for Development, Paris, France.

Fitzsimmons, James D.
Assistant Center Chief, Geographic Studies and Information Resources Area, International Programs Center, uS Census Bureau, Washington DC, USA.

Frey, William H.
Faculty Research Scientist, Population Studies Center, university of Michigan, and Senior Fellow of Demographic Studies, Milken Institute, Santa Monica CA, USA.

Garza, Gustavo
Research-Professor, Centre for Demographic and urban Development Studies, College of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.

Halfacree, Keith H.
Lecturer in Geography, university of Wales, Swansea, Wales, uK.

Hugo, Graeme
Professor of Geography and Director of National Key Centre in Social Applications of Geographical Information Systems, university of Adelaide, Australia.

Jones, Gavin W.
Professor, Demography Programme, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National university, Canberra, Australia.

Pumain, Denise
Professor, uMR Géographie-Cités, CNRS, and université Paris 1, France.

Weeks, John R.
Professor of Geography and Director of the International Population Center, San Diego State university, San Diego CA, USA.

Zhu, Yu
Research Fellow, Institute of Geography, Fujian Normal university, Fuzhou, People's RePUBLIC of China.