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Home > Activities > Committees >urbanization > Seminar Programme
Rockefeller's Study and Conference Center, Bellagio, Italy, March 11-15, 2002
Organised by the IUSSP Working Group on urbanization
Part One. Introduction
Session 1
Chair: Anthony Champion
forms of human settlement: conceptual challenges for population studies
Graeme Hugo, Tony Champion and Alfredo E. Lattes
Session 2
Chair: David Brown
Discussant: Graeme Hugo
we re-invent the wheel: lessons from previous reviews
Anthony Champion
past trends and future urbanization prospects: the limitations of available
Hania Zlotnik
Part Two. Regional Perspectives on Settlement Change and the Adequacy of Current Approaches to Definition and Measurement
Session 3
Chair: Terence McGee
Discussant: Larry Bourne
dynamics in More Developed Countries: the fading of metro/non-metro and city/suburb
William Frey
dynamics and urbanization in Latin America: concepts and data limitations
Alfredo E. Lattes, Jorge Rodríguez and Miguel Villa
Session 4
Chair: James Fitzsimmons
Discussant: Terence McGee
trends in Asia: the conceptual and definitional challenges
Gavin Jones
urbanization in Africa: from the lack of defintions to their renewal
Philippe Bocquier
Part Three. Conceptualizing Settlement Systems
Session 5
Chair: Michael Batty
Discussant: Landis Mackellar
An evolutionary
approach to settlement systems
Denise Pumain
The changing
macro-geography of urbanization: an urban system perspective
Larry S. Bourne and Jim W. Simmons
Session 6
Chair: Larry Bourne
Discussant: David Rain
The social
and economic organization of rural life in post industrial societies
David L. Brown and John B. Cromartie
Keith Halfacree
Part Three. Conceptualizing Settlement Systems
Session 7
Chair: Gavin Jones
Discussant: Ram Bhagat
The transformation
of the Mexican urban hierarchy, 1960-2000
Gustavo Garza
in urban form and population redistribution in the Delhi metropolitan area:
implications for demographic analysis
Véronique Dupont
Session 8
Chair: Graeme Hugo
Discussant: Richard Bilsborrow
and metropolitanization in Brazil: trends and methodological challenges
José Marcos Pinto da Cunha
Part Five. Moving from the Conceptual to the Operational
Session 9
Chair: David Rain
Discussant: Michael Batty
dimensions of settlement systems: coping with complexity
Mike Coombes
using remote
sensing and geographical information systems to identify the underlying properties
of urban environments
John R. Weeks
Session 10
Chair: John Cromartie
Discussant: William H. Frey
on the latest review of metropolitan area standards in the USA
James D. Fitzsimmons and Michael R. Ratcliffe
makers' needs
Ellen Brennan-Galvin
Part Six. The Way Forward
Session 11
Chair: Anthony Champion
Reflections from the invited discussants: Michael Batty, Ram B. Bhagat, Terence G. McGee, Landis Mackellar, David R. Rain
Session 12
Chair: Landis Mackellar
Conclusions and recommendations
Tony Champion and Graeme Hugo